XII POISONING Over a million cases of poisoning occur in the United States each year, most involving young children. Obviously, then, PREVENTION of poisoning should be the concern of every parent with young children. ALL substances likely to cause poinsoning should be kept away from inquiring youngsters! Since various poisons cause different symptoms, and because treatments vary depending upon the substance injested, the first step in the event of poisoning is to call the local POISON CONTROL CENTER! DO NOT WAIT FOR SYMPTOMS TO OCCUR! IDENTIFY THE NATURE OF THE POISON AND RECEIVE SPECIFIC CARE INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE PROFESSIONAL STAFF AT THE CENTER! All poisoning victims need to be monitored carefully for signs of shock or impaired consciousness. Every household should keep ACTIVATED CHARCOAL & SYRUP OF IPECAC on hand for possible use in poisoning emergencies, however they should not be administered unless instructed by the Poison Control Center staff.