GARLIC ========================== CULTIVATION: ============ Garlic is a perennial or biennial sub-globular bulb consisting of 8-20 cloves surrounded by silky pink-white skin. Garlic needs a sunny or partial shady location. The soil should be rich, moist, and well drained, but tolerates also poor soil. Take offsets or divide bulb in autumn or spring. Plant garlic cloves 1 1/2 inches deep. Sow seeds in spring. Germination time is about 7 days, and plant matures in about 100 days. Grows in zone 1-10. Transplant or thin to 9 inches apart. Water in dry spells and enrich soil annually. Remove flowers for better flavor. Pick flowers as they open, and dig up bulbs in late summer. Harvest when the tops fall over, and dry the bulb in a cool and shady location. CULINARY USES: ============== A strong flavoring for many dishes, hot and cold. Rub around a salad bowl to subtly flavor salads, or add 1-2 cloves to dressings and marinades. Mash with butter and bake in a fresh loaf of bread. Insert sliced cloves into joints of meat before roasting. It can even be baked as a vegetable. To make garlic oil, which can be used in small amounts on salads, or saved for medicinal purposes, blend 1 cup of peeled garlic cloves, and 1 cup of olive oil. Pour into a labeled jar. Let the garlic be absorbed into the oil for a week, but shake the jar several times a day. Strain out the garlic and keep the liquid cold in the refrigerator. To get the most flavor from fresh garlic, you must slice through the clove, releasing the odorous strongly flavored oil inside the skin. A clove of garlic is very nutritious. Garlic contains thiamine and trace minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc. 2-3 heads of garlic a day can also stimulate your immune system. MEDICAL USES: ============= Garlic has the potential to treat and prevent a number of cardiovascular diseases. Research discovered ingredients in garlic that thin the blood, so blood is less likely to clot, and it can also lower the cholesterol level. Scientist belive that it is the smelly sulfer-containing ingredients in garlic that work the magic. There are still some unresolved questions as to whether odorless garlic is effective. Because many the therapeutic compounds have not been found in cooked or processed garlic. The best effect is obtained from fresh, raw garlic. There are even hints of a possible link between garlic and low rate of stomach and colorectal cancer. The typical dosage from studies is in the range of 3-5 cloves per 120 pound of body weight per day. A drink made from a well crushed garlic clove simmered in 1/2 pint of milk for about 10 minutes can be sipped to relive a dry hacking cough. Whole garlic bulbs contain a sustenance called Alliin, when grounded or chewed, it turns into Allicin. Allicin inhibits or totally destroys many types of bacteria and fungi, including the microorganisms most likely to cause vaginal yeast infection. WARNING: ======== Eating garlic past by the jar could burn the lining of the stomach and esophagus and even cause anemia.