HERBAL TINCTURES IN CLINICAL PRACTICE, 2.0 Michael Moore (hrbmoore@einet.com.) SOUTHWEST SCHOOL OF BOTANICAL MEDICINE 122 Tulane SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 The purpose of this little manual is to provide the physician or health care professional with clear diagnostic pictures of those herbs that work best as tinctures, and to give clear and reasonable guidelines for dosage, frequency. and warnings of side effects or contraindications. Tinctures are generic preparations of herbs using varying ratios of water and alcohol, with the occasional addition of 5% or 10% glycerine in a few herbs high in tannic acid or similar potential precipitant-forming acids. The majority of those listed in this manual were formerly official preparations 1isted in older U.S.P and N.F volumes, and summated in Culbreth's Materia Medica (1927) and King's American Dispensatory (1915), both available in newer reprints, as well as (briefly) in my pamphlet Herbal Materia Med- ica. Most tinctures made from dry plants are 1:5 strength with one part of the dried weight represented in five parts (by volume) of the tincture. A few stronger plants (Aconitum, Veratrum, etc.) are properly 1:10. Many herbs are best tinctured fresh, and the usual strength is 1:2. Dry herb tinctures (the majority) are best prepared as a percolation (described in any Remington's Pharmaceut- ical Sciences edition), although maceration was and is considered a proper alternative. Fresh herb tinctures should only be done as a maceration. Percolation demands at least 50% alcohol, as too much water causes excess hydration of the herb in the column and decreases osmosis, diffusion and solubility, so by and large any tincture less than that strength or without some indication of its proportion of weight to volume should be suspect. It is true that some individuals react poorly to ethano1, or have a moraL or ethical objection to its presence. They should use teas or capsules; when tinctures are made, they need a proper proportion of alcohol and water, based on the mechanics of extraction and solubility of the plant constituents. Tinctures are easier to use than many other forms of botanicals, and (as in those herbs listed in the text) often are the preferred media for maximum efficacy. Some herbs such as Trillium are only truly effecti've fresh, and a fresh plant tincture retains these properties. Some herbs, such as Scutellaria, degrade rapidly after drying, and a tincture of the recent plant preserves the constituents far longer than would be possible otherwise. Still other plants have a high portion of oleoresins, only completely soluble in higher prop- ortions of alcohol. An herb such as Hydrastis may have a highly sol- uble alkaloid (berberine) and a poorly soluble one (hydrastine); a tea will present only soluble constituents, the tincture will present the complete plant. Further, the shelf life of tinctures is years. In practice, dosage for children should follow Young's Rule. I would like to thank Halsey Brant for scanning this text for me. THE TINCTURES AND APPLICATIONS: ACHILLEA (Yarrow) Fevers, common cold, amenorrhea, passive bleeding from boggy mucosa. DOSE:10 - 40 drops, 4x a day. CONTRA: In pregnancy, brachycardia, coagulation disorders, nephritis. ACONITUM (Aconite, Monkshood) To modify simple fever, with pain, irritation, inflamed and engorged mucosa and conjunctiva, with rapid, wiry pulse. DOSE: 3 - 10 drops, 4x a day. CONTRA: For acute, self-limiting, not for complex, extended or chronic conditions. ACORUS (Calamus) Flatulent colic, chronic dyspepsia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome cramps with flatus, gastritis symptoms. DOSE: 15 - 45 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy, MAO inhibition, major emotional disorders. ALETRIS (True Unicorn) Flatulent colic, anorexia and upper GI disorders accompanying GU and menstrual problems, dyspepsia. DOSE: 30 - 60 drops before meals. CONTRA: Pregnancy (possibly). ALOE - dried juice Chronic constipation with atonic myenteric and mesenteric functions, deficient bile secretions with steatorrhea or dry marbly feces. DOSE: 15 - 60 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Any GI inflammation, pregnancy. ANEMONE PULSATILLA (Pulsatilla, Pasque Flower) Insomnia, nervousness, and a generally agitated emotional state with gloom and distress. Wan and chilly, not hot and flushed. DOSE: 3 - 10 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy, bradycardia, acute and febrile conditions. ANEMOPSIS (Yerba Mansa) Subacute rhinitis, sinusitis, and cystitis; mucus colitis; subacute pharyngitis to inhibit hyaluronidase from staph, strep; joint inflammations with hyperuricemia, over-acidic urine. DOSE: 20 - 60 drops to 4x a day, dilute for gargle. CONTRA: none. ANGELICA Dry, intrinsic asthma; menstrual cramps with scanty initial menses, PMS constipation seemingly from lacteal deficiency; intestinal colic, tenesmus. DOSE: 30 - 60 drops ad lib. CONTRA: Pregnancy. ANGELICA SINENSIS - Dong Quai (cured Angelica) Decreased anabolic functions from ovarian or testicular deficiencies, apparently by increasing steroid binding sites. Many symptoms of menopause respond well to it. DOSE: 10 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy or subclinical gonad hyperfunction. APOCYNUM CANNABINUM (Dogbane, Canadian Hemp) Moderate fluid retention with puffy eyes, feet, and hands, some arterial and venous congestion, but not enough to warrant drug therapy. Dry skin, constipation and scanty urine. DOSE: 5 _ 20 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy, overt cardiopathies needing stronger Rx, or in combination with prescription medicine. ARALIA RACEMOSA (Spikenard) Chronic coughing with excess secretions; bronchorrhea; subacute cystitis with mucus in urine, no odor; as an adaptogen similar to Panax. DOSE: 10 _ 30 drops ad lib. ARCTIUM - Burdock IgE-mediated allergies, i.e.,psoriasis,eczema, etc; arthritis, gout... wherever uric acid production is elevated or where urine has an unusually low pH. DOSE: 30 - 60 drops to 4x a day. ARCTOSTAPHYLOS (Uva-Ursi) Urethritis and cystitis with alkaline pH, resulting from fruit or sugar bingeing with low protein and phospholipid consumption; in acidic pH urethritis, as an astringent. DOSE: 30 - 60 drops to 4x a day with cranberry juice. CONTRA: Pregnancy (placental vasoconstrictor), anticoagulants. ARISAEMA (Jack-in-the-Pulpit) Laryngitis, pharyngitis, aggravated or caused by talking, singing, shouting. DOSE: 10 drops as needed on tongue and swallow or gargle. ARISTOLOCHIA SERPENTARIA (Virginia Snakeroot) Acute disease with suppressed sweating, hot dry skins/membranes, where patient is depressed and vagus/parasympathetic diaphoretics are inappropriate; poor lipid digestion, malabsorption of dietary A, D, and E vitamins, with lipotropic factor therapy in poor lipid metabolism. DOSE: 5 - 20 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy, vascular or liver disease (except early arteriosclerosis), GI excess; if over-stimulating to GI secretory functions or irritates, decrease dose or discontinue use. ARISTOLOCHIA WATSONI (Raiz del Indio, Indian Root) As a simple bitter to increase upper GI secretions; to stimulate amination and protein metabolism in the liver; to stimulate phagocytosis by reticulo-endothelial cells; to increase (more subtly than A. serpentaria) visceral blood supply and peripheral circulation. Less stimulating than previous but better tolerated as a tonic for extended use. DOSE: 5 - 20 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy, most prescription drugs (it may overstimulate liver metabolism and shorten the duration of their activity), overt liver or vascular pathologies. ARNICA As a liniment as is or diluted with equal parts water, for bruises, hyperextensions and athletic injuries...applied by hand to part and allowed to dry; externally for acute arthritis. CONTRA: Can cause dermal irritation in some people...cease use. ASARUM (Wild Ginger) For colds, viral infections to induce sweating; crampy slow-starting menses from progesterone deficiencies. DOSE: 20 - 50 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: GI inflammation, pregnancy. ASCLEPIAS ASPERULA (Inmortal) Dry pleurisy, mild ascites, intrinsic asthma; post*partum with poor contractions, little colostrum and suppressed; lochia. DOSE: 5 - 30 drops 4x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy, cardiopathies and wherever a parasympathomimetic is in- appropriate. ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA (Pleurisy Root) Bronchitis, pleurisy and pneumonitis...even asthma, whenever characterized by hot, dry mucosa and serous membranes; dry skin and inability to sweat, deficient sebaceous secretions. DOSE: 30 - 90 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Same as above. AVENA (Oats, Wild Oats) Nervous exhaustion in normally strong people, from sympathetic adrenergic burnout or abuse of sympathomimetics. Not strong or druggy, needs frequent small doses. DOSE: 10 - 20 drops to 5x a day. BAPTISIA (Wild Indigo Root) Any skin or mucoepithelial infections especially from endogenous bacteria, with immunologic depression and poor, asthenic vital functions; adjunct therapy to antibiotics for mild septicemia. DOSE: 5 - 20 drops every three hours. CONTRA: Pregnancy, major pathologies in general, and can stimulate the rate of liver breakdown of some drug therapeutics. BAROSMA (Buchu) Cystitis, urethritis, dysuria with urging but little relief...all above from acid pH urine from stress, allergic responses, diet. DOSE: 30 - 60 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Better for subacute/chronic, may irritate acute stages. May color urine; not hemolytic, just plant pigments. Will aggravate nephritis. BERBERIS (Barberry) Chronic, edemic mucosa ulcers in GI; hangovers from booze or working with solvents; allergic IgE responses, to shorten duration by increasing liver catabolism. DOSE: 10 - 60 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Acute inflammation, pregnancy, liver disease. BRYONIA (Bryony) Sharp, cutting pain in the lungs or the chest, usually with fever or flushed face; post-op or hepatitis ascites with sharp pain, sluggish portal circulation; sharp pain with hyperemia in right face, scalp, shoulders, all aggravated by motion. DOSE: 1 - 5 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy; major chronic disease; low blood pressure; bradycardia. CACALIA (Maturique) Insulin-resistant diabetes, where adrenalin (not glucagon) aggravates and digestion is poor, with a history of sugar and carbo abuse. DOSE: 15 - 30 drops for acute episodes or for adrenergic hyperglycemic states. CONTRA: Adult onset types with elevated cholesterol, triglyceride and uric acid; liver disease; pregnancy. CALENDULA (Common or European Marigold) Topically for slow healing abrasions with pyogenic membrane and lesser burns, diluted with 2 or 3 parts water. DOSE: As needed. CAPSELLA (Shepherd's Purse) Urinary astringent in urethritis, hyperuricemia with gout (between episodes) or urate stones (to prevent). Passive capillary bleeding from uterus, GI, bladder, etc., and postpartum bleeding. DOSE: 20 - 60 drops as needed. CONTRA: Any coagulation disorders, pregnancy, hypotension with bradycardia (Capsella is cholinergic), pregnancy (also an oxytocin synergist). CAPSICUM - ("African" Cayenne) Peripheral dilation when skin is hot and dry or the first stages of a head cold, with dry, hot mucosa; achlorhydria in aged or alcoholic; vasoneurosis, Raynaud's etc. DOSE: 5 - 15 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Acute GI, renal inflammation. CARDAMON Dyspepsia, gastralgia, colon spasms, poor salivation and adrenergic suppression of gastric secretion. DOSE: 10 drops before meals or as needed. CASTELA (Holacantha, Chaparro Amargosa) Amebiasis and giardiasis, as a primary treatment or combined with Rheum (Rhubarb); a secondary treatment for candidiasis or bacterial enteritis; anti-microbial topically, internally or to prevent protozoa infections. DOSE: 25 - 50 drops to 5x a day, 15 - 30 to 5x a day to prevent protozoa infections. CAULOPHYLLUM (Blue Cohosh) Any uterine conditions characterized by asthenic, flaccid uterine muscles, with heavy, bearing-down sensations or cervical venosities. DOSE: 5 - 20 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy; sometimes useful in birthing but also very unpredictable. CEANOTHUS (Jersey Tea, Red Root) Weakness and bogginess in lymph pulp and nodes; Rouleau of RBC, without dysplasia, mild splenomegaly; acute tonsillitis and pharyngitis. DOSE: 30 - 60 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Coagulation problems. CENTELLA ASIATICA (Gotu Kola, Brahmi) Subclinical hypothyroid conditions from emotional depression, drugs, or excess thyroid-depressing foods...not known if effect is on limbic- hypothalamus controls or on thyroglobulin catabolism. DOSE: 20 - 40 drops to 2x a day, usually for a month or more. CONTRA: Hyperthyroid conditions or any condition that approaches myxedema or is frankly a pathology. CHAMAELIRIUM (Helonias) Circulatory and membrane stimulant to uterus for amenorrhea, uterine and cervical congestions, and venous and lymphatic stasis or uterus or prostate. DOSE: 10 - 40 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy, metrorrhagia, corticosteroid therapies. CHELIDONIUM (Greater Celandine) Biliary colic with referred pain from right hypochondrium to right shoulder, pale, semi-formed stools and any GI symptoms concurrent; recuperative stages viral hepatitis. DOSE: 10 - 25 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Possible biliary obstruction, pregnancy. CHIMAPHILA (Pipsissewa) Dysuria with little urine but mucus, strong odor; chronic vesicle irritation or accompanying BPH; suppressed exanthema, especially viral. DOSE: 20 - 50 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Nephritis or anti-coagulant therapies. CHIONANTHUS (Fringetree Bark) Dull liver pain, especially on palpitation, or shooting pain from liver to navel with GI distress, frothy stools. DOSE: 30 - 60 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Overt liver disease, bile blockage. CIMICIFUGA (Black Cohosh) Dull aches, rheumatoid-like, in uterus, joints, muscle insertions; orbital headache; crampy, late menses with vague pains in extremities. DOSE: 20 - 25 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy, bradykinin excesses; too large a dose can induce a frontal headache and it is a CNS depressant for some. CINNAMOMUM (Cinnamon) Passive bleeding from any mucus membranes; stomach and lower GI cramps. DOSE: 20 - 50 drops as needed. CLEMATIS (Virgin's Bower) Frontal and migraine headaches with sweaty neck and forehead, not responding or no longer affected by vasoconstrictor medicines; a vasodilator to disperse local inflammation. DOSE: 10 - 40 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Vasculitis, pregnancy; should not be used concurrent with other medications. CNICUS (Blessed Thistle) Subacute, chronic dyspepsia, anorexia and flatulent colitis, with loose, flatulent stools but no overt pathology. DOSE:10 - 40 drops 20 minutes before meals. CONTRA: Any drug therapy catabolized in the liver; pregnancy; liver disease. COLA (Kola Nuts) Muscular asthenia with hypotension, mild bradycardia and depression; dural headaches. DOSE: 30 - 60 drops as needed. CONTRA: Any time that a sympathomimetic or caffeine is inadvisable. COLLINSONIA (Stoneroot) Pelvic venous and lymphatic congestion, with venous distention resulting in hemorrhoids, cervical venosities, prostate or testicular varicosities. DOSE: 30 - 40 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Angiotensin-type hypertension, urate kidney stones. COMMIPHORA (Myrrh) Topically for any muco-epithelial ulceration; gargled (dilute 3:1) for subacute pharyngitis; stimulates phagocytosis and early WBC response to infection; post-chemotherapy leukopenia (with Echinacea). DOSE: 5 - 20 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Liver disease, auto-immunity or collagen disease, pregnancy, lymphomas. CONVALLARIA (Lily of the Valley) Mild or subclinical cardiopathies, with congestion, mild edema, poor pulmonary circulation. DOSE: 5 - 10 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Cardiac medications, or where stronger therapies are needed. COPTIS (Goldenthread) Stomatitis, mouth ulcers, cold sores, periodontal disease; apply topically or 5 drops before each meal for stomatitis. CONTRA: It tastes dreadful. CORYNANTHE (Yohimbe) Impaired function of seminal vesicles and poor motility of sperm; chronic adrenergic suppression or pelvic blood supply, all without organic cause. DOSE: 10 - 20 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Any vascular disease, kidney disease, diabetes, or a generally depressed vital force. Only marginally safe for extended use (over two weeks) and rather quickly tolerated. CRATAEGUS (Hawthorne) Hypertension, sympathetic-related tachycardia, episodic hypertension, early arteriosclerosis, myocardial weakness. DOSE: 10 - 30 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Bradycardia, or if Crataegus causes same; beta-blockers (it is vaso- cholinergic). CUBEBA (Cubeb Berries) Subacute or chronic mucus discharge from bladder or urethra; poorly healing cystitis or urethritis. DOSE: 10 - 35 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Active inflammation, nephritis or a history of same, pregnancy. It scents the urine. CYPRIPEDIUM (Lady Slipper) Sedative and antispasmodic, useful in dysmenorrhea in the usually normal woman; depression or hysteria with yawning, ghost pains in the gut, pelvis. DOSE: 20 - 90 drops as needed. CONTRA: Synergist with depressants, sedatives, alcohol, the usual. DIOSCOREA (Wild Yam) Colic and tenesmus in tubular smooth muscles; dysmenorrhea, gastralgia, colitis, cholecystalgia, etc.; some ovarian and fallopian pain; probable PGE inhibition. DOSE: 20 - 50 drops to 4x a day. FALLACY: Former source of precursor for steroid hormone biosynthesis, Dioscorea has, itself, no steroid hormone activity. DRACONTIUM (Skunk Cabbage) Irritable spasmodic cough with nausea, gagging and nervous excitation. DOSE: 20 - 60 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: If it increases nausea or clearly causes vomiting; reactions to its taste are variable. DROSERA (Sundew) Dry respiratory membranes with spasmodic, irritative cough, sense of heat in the throat, no mucus secretion, all at the beginning of a viral infection or from smoke or particulate exposure. DOSE: 5 - 15 drops to 5x a day. ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA Exogenous and endogenous infections, to stimulate and complement immunologic responses, as well as phagocytosis; hyaluronidase inhibitor, useful in cartilage softness and to block strep and staph inroads; to help limit exudates, inflammations,proteolytic stings and bites, contusions. DOSE: 20 - 60 drops to 4x a day. ELEUTHEROCOCCUS SENTICOSUS (Siberian Ginseng) Limbic stress, showing as adrenergic sympathetic and adrenocortical excess; depression, anorexia, neurasthenia without organic cause. DOSE: 20 - 60 drops to 2x a day. EPHEDRA VULGARIS, E. SINICA (Ma Huang) Asthma (allergic), hay fever and other eosinophilia, IgE-mediated allergies; less hypertensive than an equivalent dose of ephedrine sulphate. DOSE: TO 1 teaspoon to 3x a day. CONTRA: Hypertension, thrombosis, MAO inhibition therapies, wherever an adrenergic is inappropriate. EPIPACTIS (Stream Helleborine, Stream Orchid) A common riverside orchid, used as a moral alternative to Cypripedium (Lady Slipper), and having the same uses and profile. Doses may need to be larger, up to twice. EQUISETUM (Horsetail) Hemostatic and collagen astringent for connective tissue weakness accompanying nephritis, septum disorders in lungs, mesenchymal liver disease, etc; mucosa astringent in UTI; seems useful as an adjunct in osteoporosis. DOSE: 30 - 90 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: If gathered in agribusiness-drained waters, may synthesize nitrosamines and a nicotine-like alkaloid from nitrates. ERIODICTYON (Yerba Santa) Bronchitis, bronchorrhea, asthma, or simple coughing, especially accompanied by anorexia, whenever there is abundant humid expectoration. DOSE: 20 - 30 drops to 4x a day. EUONYMUS (Wahoo) Deficient bile secretions, with yellow coated tongue, poor appetite, dry clay or yellow stools, or soft light stools with steatorrhea. DOSE: 20 - 60 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy, liver disease. EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM (Gravel Root) Acute and subacute dysuria, cystitis. urethritis, vesical and prostrate irritability with or without sediment; works on mucosa, not infectious agent. DOSE: 30 - 90 drops to 4x a day. EUPHRASIA (Eyebright) Acute hat fever and head cold with copious watery and acrid eye and nasal secretions; sinusitis,conjunctivitis. DOSE: 30 _ 90 drops to 4x a day. FOENICULUM_ (Fennel Seed) Colic and gastric pain, rhythmic and distressing, especially in infants and small children. DOSE: ad lib. FOUQUIERIA (Ocotillo) Pelvic lymphatic congestion, with boggy uterus, cervix, prostate, etc., with chronic abdominal distention, vague pain on palpitation, no organic causes... sort of a localized pelvic/mesenteric immunosuppression. DOSE: 10 - 30 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Organic disorders, thrombosis, cholinergic dominance, pregnancy, overt lymph-immune pathologies. FRANGULA (Buckthorn) Chronic functional; constipation with piles or hemorrhoids. DOSE: 1/2 to 1 teaspoon before retiring. CONTRA: Whenever a cathartic is inappropriate. FUCUS (Bladderwrack) Functional hypothyroid secondary to depressions; obesity; adjunct to diet and exercise in obesity in anabolic dominant individuals, with hyper- lipidemia, sub-clinical azotemia or hyperuricemia, over-acidic urine, and high protein, phospholipid diet. DOSE: 20 - 60 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Hyperthyroid. GARRYA (Silk Tassel, Caoutchouc, Quinine Bush) Anticholinergic antispasmodic for diarrhea, dysentery, menstrual cramps and cholecystalgia; has distinct advantages over atropine group as it causes little secretory suppression and little CNS effect in moderate doses. DOSE: (Leaf tincture) 60 - 90 drops to 5x a day; (Root bark tincture) 10 - 15 drops to 5x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy, young children; a vagus stimulant decrease if a given dose causes the typical cold sweat/nausea symptoms. GELSEMIUM (Yellow Jasmine) As a cardiac sedative for extrasystoles and functional heart disorders; as a spinal cord sedative to modify excess febrile response when presented with bright pink eyes, physical and sensory irritability, CNS and motor excitability. DOSE: (1:10 tincture) 2 - 10 drops to 5x a day. CONTRA: Hypotension, bradycardia, organic disease, pregnancy. GENTIANA (Gentian) Stimulant to parotid and gastric secretions when deficient or sympathetic- suppressed...a bitter tonic. DOSE: 5 _ 10 drops 10 _ 15 minutes before meals. CONTRA: Acute GI inflammation. GERANIUM (Cranesbill) Wherever an astringent is needed...gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, diarrhea, menorrhagia, bleeding gums. DOSE: 30 _ 90 drops as needed or topically, diluted 1:4. GINKGO (Ginkgo) Arteriosclerosis symptoms with impaired cerebral blood supply, moderate cerebral hypoxia, and deficient elasticity in major arteries; short-term memory lapses and transitory senility without more complex causes than vascular. DOSE: 20 - 60 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Vasculitis, serious prescriptions; those without vascular rigidity, using Ginkgo to aid memory for studying and other, perhaps frivolous uses, will often end up with headaches from its vasodilation. GLYCYRRHIZA (Licorice Root) Peptic ulcer, either duodenal or gastric between acute episodes; bronchorrhea or chronic bronchitis; sub-clinical adrenocortical deficiency; constipation from secretory suppression, oily skin, adrenal excess, marbly feces. DOSE: 30 - 60 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Hypernatremia, EHT, pregnancy, steroid use. GOSSYPIUM (Cotton Root Bark) As a reliable oxytocin synergist to increase the tone and contractibility of the uterus, seminal vesicles, prostate and myoendothilial tissues of the breast, for birthing, port-partum contractions, let-down reflex in nursing, delayed boggy menses, excitability of the uterus, prostate and breasts during erotic activity. DOSE: 30 - 90 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy. Needs endogenous oxytocin to work. GRINDELIA Bronchial asthma with tachycardia; any bronchial disorder with thick, viscous mucus and difficulty in expectoration. DOSE: 15 - 40 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Kidney disease. GUAIACUM (Guaiac Wood, Guayacan) Initial day or two of tonsillitis or pharyngitis that starts in the throat, not a continuation of a head cold; subacute sore throat where antibiotic therapy stops infection but does little for the raw mucosa; early MS, manifesting as numbness and weakness in the limbs, not optic or bladder symptoms; used 2x a day during remission it tends to decrease the need for ACTH and cortical_steroid therapies. DOSE: 5 - 20 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Acute GI inflammation, nephritis, pregnancy. HAMAMELIS (Witch Hazel) External: Full strength or diluted with equal parts water for irritated and inflamed skin and gums; sprains, contusions, sunburn and chemical irritations as a wash or fomentation; applied (diluted 1:3 with water) with cotton to vaginal sores, anal fissures or extruding hemorrhoids; applied full strength with damp cloth to locally painful varicose veins, concurrent with internal use. Internal: For varicose veins and pelvic congestions, as a venous tone stimulant. DOSE: 20 - 60 drops to 3x a day. HARPAGOPHYTUM (Devil's Claw) Arthritis, rheumatism..any joint inflammation with prostaglandin or adrenocortical deficiency. DOSE: 40 - 60 drops to 2x a day, two weeks on, two weeks off, taking 7 - 10 days to show initial effects. CONTRA: Seems to combine well with existing anti-inflammatories, allowing a lower effective dose..but with so many new such drugs, it is hard to be exact. HEDEOMA (American Pennyroyal) Tardy, suppressed, or spotty menses, with poor secretions, clotting, and concurrent dry skin and constipation. DOSE: 20 - 60 drops. CONTRA: Pregnancy, uterine pathology. HERACLEUM (Cow Parsnip) Topically as a counterirritant for nerve trauma, paresthesia, trigeminal neuralgia, Bell's palsy HETEROTHECA (Camphor Weed, Mexican Arnica) Externally as an antifungal and anti microbial, either full strength or diluted; apply full strength to inflamed joints, contusions, hyperextensions, and sprains. HUMULUS (Hops) Insomnia and hyperkinetic conditions when gastric and colon spasms or simple nervous stomach causes main agitation. DOSE: 30 - 90 drops as needed. CONTRA: Emotional/physical depression. HYDRANGEA Pyelitis, urethritis, prostatitis; to reduce ureter colic pain and mucosa inflammation...supportive, not primary treatment. DOSE: 30 - 60 drops to 4x a day. HYDRASTIS (Golden Seal) Excreted by mucosa. it stimulates secretions, blood, and mitosis, therefore it is best used in subacute and chronic catarrhal, poorly healing conditions in GI, UT, and respiratory mucosa. DOSE: 20 - 50 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy (can overstimulate placental membranes), liver or kidney pathology, acute infections or inflammations of mucosa or muco-epithelia. HYPERICUM (St. John's Wort) Agitation and depression, with vague and transitory physical distress, particularly in patients with history and experience in dealing with same. DOSE: 20 - 30 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Can cause photosensitization in those with light skin, dark or black hair. HYSSOPUS (Hyssop) Simple respiratory viral infections,with fever, dry skin, and hot, hypersecretory mucosa, rapid pulse, red eyes, and irritability; topically for bruising and nerve pain. DOSE: 25 - 50 drops until diaphoresis occurs. INULA (Elecampane) Simple demulcent for irritable coughing from pharyngeal, tracheal or bronchial inflammations. DOSE: 30 - 50 drops to 4x a day. IRIS VERSICOLOR (Blue Flag) Decreased bile, pancreatic and enteric secretions from functional cause, with light, marbly feces, and a monochromatic, over-processed diet; skin eruptions with similar GI symptoms used for several days to facilitate dietary changes. DOSE: 5 - 20 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA:Organic disease, acute liver, pancreatic or GI disease, pregnancy, cholecystitis. JUGLANS (Black Walnut Leaves) Ileocecal irritability, with dull pain in lower right quadrant of abdomen after meals, mild steatorrhea alternating with constipation, poor fat digestion and acne on the buttocks. DOSE: 30 - 90 drops to 3x a day. JUNIPERUS (Juniper Berries) Subacute and chronic cystitis and urethritis. Condition was acute, didn't quite clear up, the bug is gone, mucosa won't quite heal. DOSE: 20 _ 40 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Renal disease, gastric inflammation, pregnancy, acute UTI. KRAMERIA_ (Rhatany) Bleeding, soft gums and mouth sores as topical astringent; acute pharyngitis in four parts water as gargle (5x a day); chronic dyspepsia with hypersecretory mouth and soft semi-formed stools. DOSE: 20 - 50 drops to 4x a day. LARREA (Chaparral) Arthritis, allergies and hypersensitive, auto-immune type conditions, where stress, diet aggravate notably. DOSE: 20 - 60 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Is an anti-oxidant (contains NDGA); can cause short-term hemolysis-like symptoms from its effects on liver, spleen functions and is not reasonable for overt pathologies. LEONURUS (Motherwort) Hypertension and tachycardia from a strictly neurologic or sympathetic cause; neuralgia associated with herpes and herpes zoster eruptions; crampy, irritable secondary amenorrhea. DOSE: 15 - 40 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Overt pathology. LEPTANDRA (Culver's Root) Portal hypertension, viral hepatitis, or sub-clinical hepatic dysfunction from alcohol, solvents, all with dull ache in right hypochondrium, light feces, white-coated tongue, dull, depressive headaches. DOSE: 10 - 30 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: More serious liver disease, blood dyscrasia, GI inflammation, pregnancy...pathologies with a clear appropriate therapy. LIGUSTICUM (Osha, Porter's Lovage) Acute bronchial infection, with dry mucosa, fever but little or no diaphoresis; dry, irritative cough from same. DOSE: 20 - 60 drops as needed. CONTRA: Possibly in pregnancy, although probably alright in small doses. LINARIA (Toadflax) Liver conditions from short-term stress...sort of a catabolic "backlog", sometimes with mild elevations of SGPT, etc., as in hangovers. DOSE: 20 - 40 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy, hepatitis. LOBELIA Spasmodic asthma, especially adrenergic triggered; parasympathetic suppression from extended sympathetic/adrenergic dominance. DOSE: 5 - 20 drops as needed or to 3x a day. CONTRA: Any disorders characterized by cholinergic excess...bradycardia, etc. LOMATIUM DISSECTUM (Leptotaenia, "Biscuit Root") Reliable antiviral agent for respiratory infections (mainly), with additional effects of peripheral vasodilation, increased diaphoresis, improved pulmonary circulation and bronchial secretions. DOSE: 10 - 30 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: May cause hives in a few individuals; this can usually be turned around quickly by copious quantities of Taraxacum (root tea or tincture). May be problematic in pregnancy. LYCOPUS (Bugleweed) Tachycardia, over_rapid GI transit time, arrhythmias and insomnia with mild hyperthyroid implications. DOSE: 15 - 40 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Hypothyroid states, cardiopathies, overt thyrotoxicosis. MAHONIA (Oregon Grape) Same as Berberis with addition of low BMR with poor protein digestion, low protein utilization. DOSE: Same. CONTRA: Same with addition of elevated BMR, hyperthyroid symptoms. MARRUBIUM (Horehound) Dry, irritative coughing, with some signs of pre-asthmatic bronchial constriction and gagging with cough. DOSE: 30 - 90 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: EHT, renal pressor excess. MENYANTHES (Buckbean, Bogbean, Marsh Trefoil) A bitter tonic, particularly useful after gastroenteritis or fevers; adjunct anti-arthritic when there are symptoms of poor internal protein metabolism, with dry eczematous skin, mild achlorhydria, and muco_epithelial fissures. DOSE: 10 - 30 drops. CONTRA: May cause nausea in excess doses. MIRABILIS MULTIFLORA (Maravilla, Wild Four O'Clock) A topical anesthetic to distention sensors in stomach, inducing a mild decrease in hunger and a sense of fullness with diminished contents, taken 30 minutes before meals in aiding weight reduction. DOSE: 30 - 60 drops. MITCHELLA (Squaw Vine) Fleeting cramps and pseudo-contractions with poor uterine tone in last trimester of pregnancy; mittelschmerz with occasional spotting; benign prostatic hypertrophy. DOSE: 30 _ 90 drops to 3x a day. MYRICA Bayberry Boggy, indolent ulcers, congestion with venous, not arterial blood, anywhere in the mucosa of respiratory or GI systems; contracts and tightens mesenchymal membranes, increases blood supply through parenchymal tissues. DOSE: 20 - 60 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Anti-cholinergic therapies, any active inflammations. NEPETA Catnip Flatulent colic, mild gastralgia with moderate inflammation, self limiting disorder...especially useful in children. DOSE: 30 _ 40 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy (possibly). OPLOPANAX (Devil's Club) Adult-onset, insulin-resistant diabetes in the middle-aged mesomorph with concurrent elevated lipids (adjunct to dietary changes); ginseng-like adaptogenic and limbic system modifier, especially useful tonic for adrenergic-dominant stress with dry skin/dry gut syndrome. DOSE: 10 - 30 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: probably in pregnancy. PANAX (Ginseng) Three types: UNCURED (White), either Asian or American cultivated, RED (cured) Chinese Kirin or Korean Red (the Shiu-chu cured from China has the same effects as uncured), and WILD AMERICAN. (Siberian "Ginseng", see Eleutherococcus). All three types are useful in metabolic stress from limbic/hypothalamus/pituitary hyperfunction, and induce an emotional, subjective sense of well_being. All three increase anabolic functions, decreasing catabolic excess. RED roots are also hyperglycemic and hypertensive, and often contraindicated. UNCURED and WILD AMERICAN are useful for functional hypocortical conditions with adrenergic dominance, moderately reducing blood sugar, lipids and uric acid when elevated. DOSE: 15 - 30 drops (UNCURED, RED), 5 - 15 drops (WILD) to 2x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy, steroid therapy, hyperthyroid, hypercortical conditions, hypoglycemia, major pathologies/therapies. FALLACY: Not an aphrodisiac (whatever that is) unless from overt hypotestosteronism from non-organic cause, or extended stress. PASSIFLORA (Passionflower) Antispasmodic and muscle relaxant for neurogenic pain, agitation, insomnia; arterial sedative, especially in EHT in the strong, sthenic middle-aged patient. DOSE: 30 - 90 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Bradycardia, hypotension, major sedatives. PAULLINIA (Guarana) Anorectic for an initial week or two in weight reduction program; hangovers, migraine and depressive headaches. DOSE: 30 - 90 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Same as caffeine, coffee. PETROSELINUM (Parsley Root) Smooth muscle antispasmodic, for relief of pain in gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, dysmenorrhea, any myalgias. DOSE: 30 _ 60 drops to 4x a day. PHYTOLACCA (Poke Root) Poor recuperation after acute conditions in mouth, throat, with viscous secretion, congestion; lymph condition in breasts, uterus, testes; recuperation from infections where edema and poorly resolved exudate accompanies extended, post-inflamed lymphadenitis in cervical, axillary, pelvic nodes. DOSE: 2 - 10 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy, and wherever serious pathologies have not been ruled out or are present; acute inflammations. PICRAENA (Quassia) Poor GI function in general, with adrenergic excess, dry mouth, poor appetite and extended transit time. DOSE: 5 - 10 drops 20 minutes before meals. To treat amebiasis and giardiasis, 30 - 60 drops to 3x a day will frequently prevent infections when travelling in areas where the protozoa are present; also pinworms. CONTRA: Pregnancy, can cause nausea in excess. PILOCARPUS (Jaborandi) For topical use as a stimulant to skin and hair growth, acting as a capillary dilator and moderate irritant to follicle and sebaceous functions; to stimulate hair growth, apply with fingertips to scalp before retiring. CONTRA: Not for internal use...contains the alkaloid pilocarpine. PIPER METHYSTICUM (Kava Kava) Urethritis and cystitis with much pain on urination, and persistent, congested urethral inflammation; peptic ulcer pain that occurs predictably, such as two hours after breakfast, three hours after sleep. DOSE: 30 - 90 drops to 4x a day (UTI). 15 - 25 drops with Anemopsis or Myrica for ulcer/gastritis. PISCIDIA (Jamaica Dogwood) Neuralgia, neuritis, sciatica, any nerve_skeletal muscle pain causing insomnia, as well as moderate referred pain or visceral pain. DOSE: 10 - 60 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Bradycardia, hypotension, cholinergic or parasympathetic dominance. PODOPHYLLUM (American Mandrake) Chronic digestive problems, with poor fat digestion, poor catabolism of metabolic wastes in liver and abdominal and veinous and lymphatic congestion, full slightly bloated mucosa and poor skin tone. DOSE: 10 - 30 drops to 3x a day. Topically for anal warts. CONTRA: Any distinct pathology...its use is for subclinical. NEVER in pregnancy; it can cause miscarriage and birth defects. Not appropriate for the aged or asthenic individual. POLYGALA SENEGA (Senega Snakeroot) Chronic bronchitis or bronchorrhea, with moist rales and copious secretions, often bordering on nausea. DOSE: 20 - 60 drops, although frequent low dose is preferable, to 4x a day. CONTRA: Acute inflammation, pregnancy, aged individuals with low vital signs. POLYGONUM BISTORTA (Bistort Root) Hemostatic and vasoconstrictor topically, as well as being bacteriostatic; mouthwash and gargle for gum and pharynx inflammation, sore throat. POLYMNIA (American Bearsfoot, Leafcup) Abdominal distention, pelvic congestion, sluggish digestion; enlarged spleen and/or liver from mononucleosis or viral Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. (EXTERNAL) Tincture rubbed in scalp twice daily to stimulate hair growth, especially in alopecia, but to a lesser degree in early baldness. DOSE: 10 - 50 drops to 5x a day; frequent smaller doses are preferable. POPULUS CANDICANS (Poplar Buds, Balm of Gilead) Bronchitis and bronchorrhea as an expectorant, for thick, intractable mucus; has both expectorant aromatics and analgesic salicylates. Topically as a counterirritant analgesic for joint and muscle pain, similar to methyl salicylate (Oil of Wintergreen) but without the potential for absorption toxicity of the latter. DOSE: 15 - 30 drops to 4x a day. Topically, as is or diluted with equal part rubbing alcohol. CONTRA: Sensitivity to salicylates, aspirin, etc.; anti-coagulant therapies, IUD's, hemopathies, kidney disease. POPULUS TREMULOIDES (Aspen) The same as aspirin but frequently better tolerated, since absorption is more dispersed and slower. DOSE: 30 - 60 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Except for its lesser effect on gastric mucosa, the same as the salicylates. PROPOLIS Topically antiseptic, counterirritant and finally analgesic; used on any skin and mouth abrasion it will irritate, induce inflammation and substantially shorten healing time, particularly in oily, moist tissues, such as on hands, face, scalp and feet. Internally it helps resolve intestinal infections such as shigella or salmonella. DOSE: 15 - 25 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Sensitivities to salicylates or bees. The best Propolis is made by bees from the spring resins secreted by Willow, Aspen, Poplar or Birch. PRUNUS (Wild Cherry) Any hot, dry and percussive coughing in the early stages of any bronchial disorders, especially with short, rapid breathing and rapid pulse. DOSE: 30 - 90 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Respiratory or cardiovascular depression, hypotension. PTELEA (Wafer Ash, Hop Tree) Bitter tonic, secretory and celiac stimulant for digestive, metabolic. membrane and especially respiratory weakness of a chronic, subpathologic nature. DOSE: 10 - 20 drops before meals. PTYCHOPETALUM (Liriosma, Muirapuama, Potency Wood) A mild tonic to depressed basal metabolism, often exhibiting distinct (but unpredictable) sexual stimulation in both sexes...something worth a try for patients with low energy but no particular organic or emotional problems. Moderate doses for a few weeks seem to work best. DOSE: 30 - 60 drops 2x a day. CONTRA: Elevated thyroid, pregnancy. QUERCUS (White Oak Bark) Topical and oral astringent, acute gastritis, and capillary fragility, accompanied by flavonoids, vitamin C. DOSE: 30 - 60 drops as needed (gastritis), to 2x a day (vascular). RHAMNUS PURSHIANA (Cascara Sagrada) Chronic constipation without organic cause, taken on retiring for morning defecation. Best if used sporadically, combined with dietary and exercise changes, as use daily can result in dependence. DOSE:1 - 2 teaspoon. CONTRA: Colitis and other acute, inflammatory conditions. RHEUM (Rhubarb) "Gastric irritation, with elongated, reddened tongue, nausea, vomiting; irritative diarrhea with tenderness of abdomen with pressure." (Felter) Will benignly color the feces and urine orange. DOSE: 15 - 30 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: In larger amounts a laxative like Rhamnus, its astringency can induce a rebound constipation; it is best used in smaller amounts as recommended. RUMEX CRISPUS (Yellow Dock) Chronic, sluggish skin disorders with poor fat digestion, ileocecal spasms and constipation or steatorrhea; dry eczema, psoriasis with dry, poorly oiled skin. DOSE: 30 - 75 drops to 2x a day. CONTRA: Excess doses will be cathartic, irritative SALVIA OFFICINALIS (Sage) As a gargle for mouth, pharyngeal, and esophageal irritation/ inflammation, accompanied by moderate gastralgia; to help decrease milk production when weaning. DOSE: 20 - 30 drops to 3x a day. NOTE: Many Artemesias (Wormwoods) are called sages locally; they are nearly opposite in all respects to Salvia SANGUINARIA (Bloodroot) Applied locally 2x a day to tineas (skin fungus). Little effect on tinea versicolor, however. CONTRA: Stains the skin brick red. SANTALUM (Sandalwood) Subacute pyelitis and cystitis, with mucus in urine, especially in morning, and aching, heavy discomfort when urinating; "honeymoon cystitis". DOSE: 25 - 50 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Acute inflammation in any part of the UT, GI, or lungs. SCOPARIUS (Broom tops) A diuretic for water retention from poor cardiac function, with mild tachycardia from sympathetic, caffeine or tobacco origin, with periods in AM of poor cerebral blood supply, but NO organic cause. DOSE: 20 - 40 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy, hypertension hyperthyroid, or if stronger Rx is needed. SCUTELLARIA (Skullcap) Any pain, myalgia, neuralgia from spinal or peripheral nerve irritability but without organic causes; hyperfunctions of skin nerves and CNS end organs; sciatica, neuritis shingles; lessens surface irritability to acu- puncture, TNS, massage and even spinal adjustments; nocturnal neuropathies, choreas, and seizures where overt drug treatment might be an excess. DOSE: 20 - 60 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: With other drug depressants or where a stronger approach is needed; can anesthetize lips, fingers, toes. SELENICEREUS (Cereus grandiflorus, Night-Blooming Cereus) Palpitations, arrythymias and tachycardias, from excessive coffee, tobacco, and recreational drug use, or simple adrenaline stress; conditions of neurologic or sympathetic stress (without organic cause) that causes rapid, thready pulse, fearfulness, and an unsettles, uncentered feeling. DOSE: 5 - 20 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Organic cardiopathies, overt pathology, or prescription blockers or diuretics. SERENOA (Saw Palmetto) Benign prostate irritation, with dribbling, dull ache, and no rectal symptoms; chronic, boggy urethritis, with dull ache, urgency, no culturable infectious agent. DOSE: 25 - 35 drops to 4x a day. CONTRA: Nephritis, acute UTI, possibly pregnancy. SILYBUM (Milk Thistle) THE remedy for early stages of chronic liver problems; rehabilitation from chronic alcoholism and/or solvent contact, protecting the hepatocytes from overt damage from chemicals, fatty degeneration, acute and chronic hepatitis, and cirrhosis. DOSE: 1/2 to 1 teaspoon to 3x a day. SMILAX (Sarsaparilla) Moderate, subclinical cortical or gonad steroid deficiencies with poor immunologic strength and membrane regeneration; benign prostatic hypertrophy, boggy, semi-eroded cervix, both of long duration. DOSE: 30 - 90 drops to 3x a day for extended use. CONTRA: Pregnancy, steroid therapy, gastric ulcer. STILLINGIA Immuno-suppression, subtle and long-standing, with history of ulcerations, mucus colitis; extended, poorly resolving infections and poor tissue reparation. DOSE: 10 - 20 drops to 2x a day. CONTRA: Acute disease in any form, pregnancy, cholinergic or adrenergic blocking agents; can cause depression from increased serum metabolites... decrease dose or substitute massage for a week and resume. SWERTIA (Frasera, American Columbo, Green Gentian) A reliable bitter tonic, simple and devoid of side effects, taken 15 minutes before meals in a little water. DOSE: 15 - 20 drops. SYMPHYTUM (Comfrey) Peptic ulcers aggravated by emotional stress; cartilage or ligament damage; initial setting in broken bones...it stimulates laying down of bone matrix. DOSE: 20 - 30 drops as needed (ulcers), to 3x a day for cartilage/bone damage. CONTRA: Dysplasias, liver disease. TARAXACUM (Dandelion Root) As an adjunct in any disorder in an anabolic stress individual with acidic, heavy urine and a tendency for sodium retention HBP, elevated blood lipids and uric acid, and a diet heavy in poor quality fats, proteins...the constitution that tends to arteriosclerosis (male), gall stones (female) in middle age. DOSE: 30 - 90 drops to 3x a day...long term use. THUJA (Arbor Vitae, Red Cedar, Yellow Cedar) EXTERNAL: The full strength or diluted tincture for skin fungal infections, especially tineas in moist or oily areas. INTERNAL: A mild stimulant for innate immunity, particularly macrophage activity. DOSE: 10 - 20 drops to 4x a day. TRILLIUM (Beth Root) Bronchial, uterine and kidney hypersecretion or capillary bleeding, where membranes are full and veinous and lymphatic drainage is poor. DOSE: 15 - 25 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Acute inflammations, organic disease, overt pathology. TRITICUM (Couch Grass, Agropyron) Any acute irritation of the urinary tract or kidneys, with referred pain along flanks, pain on urination; soothing, not disinfectant. DOSE: 30 - 60 drops to 4x a day. TURNERA (Damiana) Nervous depression, with poor appetite, sluggish in AM, anxietous in PM and vague recurring genito-urinary symptoms with probable emotional/ neurologic cause. DOSE: 30 - 60 drops to 2x a day. CONTRA: Overt pathology, inflammation, pregnancy. TUSSILAGO FARFARA (Coltsfoot) Simple irritation of the bronchial and gastric mucosa; demulcent for coughs, laryngitis, bronchitis and the like. UMBELLULARIA (California Bay, Oregon Myrtle) Headache from trigeminal neuralgia; cervical-occipital headache, with pain behind eyeball; any neuralgic headache with pain on touch. DOSE: 5 - 10 drops; tincture on cotton for inhalation. CONTRA: Excess inhalation of aromatics may CAUSE headache. URTICA (Nettles) An astringent to all mucosa, with excess discharge and inflammation; bronchorrhea, vaginitis, gastric hypersecretion, etc.; alkalizing diuretic. DOSE: 30 - 90 drops. CONTRA: Pathologies. VACCINIUM (Blueberry, Huckleberry) Mild UTI disinfectant for alkaline pH infections; mild glycosuria, phosphaturia, proteinuria without distinct pathology. DOSE: 25 - 40 drops to 2x a day. CONTRA: May interfere with glycosuria testing in diabetes. For juvenile, insulin-dependent diabetes, the tea is preferable. VALERIANA (Valerian) Insomnia, hysteria, skeletal muscle spasms, hypertonicities, neuralgias and pain-induced irritability, in those with vascular and pulmonary deficiency of constitutional nature. DOSE: 30 - 40 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Sthenic, excessive individuals with strong cerebral or pulmonary circulation; can become depressing, like bromides, with constant use. VERATRUM (False Hellebore, "Skunk Cabbage", Green Hellebore) Fever with bloodshot eyes (not conjunctivitis), strong, bounding pulse, sufficient to cause the person discomfort lying on stomach, and sufficient cerebral hyperemia to interfere with sleep; "brain fever" as might be described in an Edgar Allen Poe diatribe; all the previous in a sthenic mesomorph. The Village Smithy Syndrome. DOSE: (1:10 tincture) 5 - 10 drops. CONTRA: A strong cardiovascular depressant, use VERY carefully, and only in these low doses for this limited range of symptoms. In this context, however, a very safe medicine. It need repeating as it wears off, usually every four hours. VERBASCUM__` ` ,__(Mullein)______B__Bronchial or urinary irritability, with strong nervous and neurologic aspect, as a sedative.______!__DOSE: 25 _ 40 drops of flower tincture. VERBENA (Blue Vervain) A sedative and diaphoretic in the early stages of simple viral infections. DOSE: 25 - 40 drops as needed. CONTRA: pregnancy, liver disease, hypotension, other depressants. VIBURNUM OPULUS (Cramp Bark) Dysmenorrhea and other uterine pain with clonic, rhythmic cramps, intestinal or rectal cramps, referred thigh and leg sacral dermatomes; threatened miscarriages with similar symptoms. DOSE: 30 - 90 drops as needed. VIBURNUM PRUNIFOLIUM (Black Haw) Dysmenorrhea and other uterine pain, with colicky, irritable pain, more lumbar and pelvic than the above. Otherwise, the same in dose and use. VINCA MAJOR (Periwinkle) As a hemostatic in menorrhagia, metrorrhagia and rectal lesions; mixed with five parts glycerin, the tincture can be applied topically to hemorrhoids. DOSE: 20 - 40 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy, constipation, anti-cholinergics. VISCUM ALBUM (European Mistletoe) A reliable hypotensive in HBP, with hypertension headaches, bloodshot eyesand pounding temples; kidney-induced hypertension, with arterial constriction and rapid heartbeat. DOSE: 15 - 20 drops to 3x a day. CONTRA: Pregnancy, depressants, and where stronger therapies are indicated. VITEX AGNUS-CASTUS (Chaste Tree Berries, Monk Peppers) For any progesterone-deficient syndromes, or, as it seems to stimulate the synthesis by the hypothalamus of luteinizing-hormone-releasing-hormone, it can help stimulate corpus-luteum maturity, and, in males with deficient testosterone levels, elevate them, or, if excessive, decrease them. A basic PMS medicine for women with cycles longer than 28 days. DOSE: 1/2 teaspoon in AM. CONTRA: Hormone therapy, pregnancy (probably). A subtle group of mechanisms at best, discontinue if Vitex aggravates the problem. XANTHOXYLUM (Prickly Ash Bark, Berries) Poor peripheral circulation and cold hands, feet; Raynaud's Syndrome, with Scutellaria; poor mesenteric, pelvic circulation causing weak digestive fire, chi (berries). Poor cerebral circulation from arteriosclerosis with intellect and memory lapse. DOSE: 10 - 25 drops to 3x a day (bark), 5 - 15 drops (berries). YUCCA A PG inhibitor for any joint inflammations; humid, nonspasmodic asthma of years' duration, as a preventative. DOSE: 30 - 60 drops to 2x a day, alternate days. CONTRA: Pregnancy, colitis; constant use will interfere with fat and some vitamin absorption, as well as cause loose stools from poor bile acid reabsorption. ZINGIBER (Ginger) Intestinal colic with flatulence, indigestion; cold extremities in cold climate; fever with chill but dry skin, no sweating. DOSE: 10 - 20 drops as needed. INDEX OF ALTERNATIVE NAMES All upper case names represent the primary listings in the main text. Acanthopanax-ELEUTHEROCOCCUS Aconite-ACONITUM African Bird Pepper-CAPSICUM Agothasma-BAROSMA Agropyron-TRITICUM Alum Root-GERANIUM Amole-YUCCA Antelope Horns-ASCLEPIAS ASPERULA Arbor Vitae-THUJA Arnica-ARNICA Mexican-HETEROTHECA Ash, Prickly-XANTHOXYLUM Wafer-PTELEA Aspen-POPULUS TREMULOIDES Balm of Gilead-POPULUS CANDICANS Barberry -BERBERIS Bayberry-MYRICA Bearberry-ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI Bearsfoot-POLYMNIA Benzoin STYRAX BENZOIN Berberis aquifolium-MAHONIA Bethroot-TRILLIUM Biscuit Root-LOMATIUM Bistort-POLYGONUM BISTORTA Bittersweet-SOLANUM DULCAMARA Black Cohosh-CIMICIFUGA Black Haw-VIBURNUM Black Root-LEPTANDRA Black Sampson-ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA Black Walnut-JUGLANS MAJOR Bladderwrack-FUCUS Blessed Thistle-CNICUS Bloodroot-SANGUINARIA Blueberry-VACCINIUM Blue Cohosh-CAULOPHYLLUM Blue Flag-IRIS Blue Vervain-VERBENA Bogbean-MENYANTHES Broom Tops-SCOPARIUS Bryony-BRYONIA Buchu-BAROSMA Buckbean-MENYANTHES Buckthorn-FRANGULA Bugleweed-LYCOPUS Burdock-ARCTIUM Burning Bush-EUONYMUS Butter-and-Eggs-LINARIA Butterfly Milkweed-ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA Cactus grandiflorus-CEREUS Calamus-ACORUS CALAMUS Camphor Weed-HETEROTHECA Canadian Hemp-APOCYNUM Canadian Snakeroot-ASARUM Canela-CINNAMOMUM Cascara Sagrada-RHAMNUS PURSHIANA Catnip-NEPETA Cayenne-CAPSICUM Celandine-CHELIDONIUM Cereus-SELENICEREUS Chaparral-LARREA Chaparro Amargoso-CASTELA Chaste Tree Berries-VITEX AGNUS-CASTUS Cherry, Wild-PRUNUS Cohosh, Black-CIMICIFUGA Blue-CAULOPHYLLUM Coltsfoot_TUSSILAGO Colombo, American-FRASERA, SWERTIA Comfrey_SYMPHYTUM Coneflower_ECHINACEA Cotton Root_GOSSYPIUM Couchgrass_AGROPYRON Cow Parsnip_HERACLEUM Cramp Bark_VIBURNUM Cranesbill_GERANIUM Creosote Bush-LARREA Culver's Root-LEPTANDRA Cystisus-SCOPARIUS Damiana-TURNERA Dandelion-TARAXACUM Devil's Claw-HARPAGOPHYTUM Devil's Club-OPLOPANAX Doggrass-AGROPYRON Dogbane-APOCYNUM Dogwood, Jamaican-PISCIDIA Dong Quai-ANGELICA SINENSIS Elecampane-INULA Eyebright-EUPHRASIA Fennel-FOENICULUM Flag, Blue-IRIS Sweet-ACORUS CALAMUS Frasera -SWERTIA Fringetree-CHIONANTHUS Gentian-GENTIANA Green-FRASERA, SWERTIA Ginger-ZINGIBER Wild-ASARUM Ginseng-PANAX Siberian-ELEUTHEROCOCCUS Gold Thread-COPTIS Golden Seal-HYDRASTIS Gotu Kola-CENTELLA Gravel Root-EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM Guarana-PAULLINIA Gumweed-GRINDELIA Hawthorn-CRATAEGUS Hediondilla-LARREA Hellebore, Green or False-VERATRUM Holacantha-CASTELA Holy Thistle-CNICUS Hop Tree-PTELEA Hops-HUMULUS Horehound-MARRUBIUM Water-LYCOPUS Horsetail-EQUISETUM Huckleberry-VACCINIUM Hydrocotyle-CENTELLA Hyssop-HYSSOPUS Indian Root-ARISTOLOCHIA WATSONII Indigo, Wild-BAPTISIA Inmortal-ASCLEPIAS ASPERULA Jabin-PISCIDIA Jaborandi-PILOCARPUS Jack-In-The-Pulpit-ARISAEMA Jamaica Dogwood-PISCIDIA Jasmine, Yellow-GELSEMIUM Jersey Tree-CEANOTHUS Juniper-JUNIPERUS Kava Kava-PIPER METHYSTICUM Kinnikinnik-ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI Kola-COLA Lady Slipper-CYPRIPEDIUM Lappa-ARCTIUM Laurel,California-UMBELLULARIA Leafcup-POLYMNIA Leptotaenia-LOMATIUM Licorice-GLYCYRRHIZA Lignum Vitae-GUAIACUM Lily of the Valley-CONVALLARIA Liriosma-PTYCHOPETALUM Lizard Tail-ANEMOPSIS Macrotys-CIMICIFUGA Ma Huang-EPHEDRA VULGARIS Mandrake, American-PODOPHYLLUM Manzanita-ARCTOSTAPHYLOS Maravilla-MIRABILIS Marigold, Common-CALENDULA Marsh Trefoil-MENYANTHES Maturique-CACALIA May Apple-PODOPHYLLUM Milfoil-ACHILLEA Milk Thistle-SILYBUM Milkweed, Butterfly-ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA Spider-ASCLEPIAS ASPERULA Mistletoe-VISCUM Monkshood-ACONITUM Monks Pepper-VITEX AGNUS-CASTUS Motherwort-LEONURUS Muirapuama-PTYCHOPETALUM Mullein-VERBASCUM Myrrh-COMMIPHORA Nerve Root-CYPRIPEDIUM Nettles-URTICA New Jersey Tea-CEANOTHUS Night-Blooming Cereus-CEREUS Oak-QUERCUS Oats-AVENA Ocotillo-FOUQUIERIA Parsley-PETROSELINUM Pasque Flower-ANEMONE HIRSTUTISSIMA Passion Flower-PASSIFLORA Pennyroyal-HEDEOMA Petasites-TUSSILAGO Picrasma-PICRAENA Piper cubeba-CUBEBA Pipsissewa-CHIMAPHILA Pleurisy Root-ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA Plumajillo-ACHILLEA Poke Root-PHYTOLACCA Pomegranate-GRANATUM Poplar Buds-POPULUS CANDICANS Prickly Ash-XANTHOXYLUM Pulsatilla-ANEMONE HIRSTUTISSIMA Quassia-PICRAENA Queen of the Meadow-EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM Quinine Bush-GARRYA Raiz del Indio-ARISTOLOCHIA WATSONII Red Cedar-THUJA Red Root-CEANOTHUS Rhamnus frangula-FRANGULA Rhatany-KRAMERIA Rhubarb-RHEUM Sabal-SERENOA Sage-SALVIA Sandalwood-SANTALUM Sarsaparilla-SMILAX Saw Palmetto-SERENOA Scouring Rush-EQUISETUM Selenicereus-CEREUS Senega Snakeroot-POLYGALA Serpentaria-ARISTOLOCHIA SERPENTARIA Seven Barks-HYDRANGEA Shavegrass-EQUISETUM Shepherd's Purse-CAPSELLA Silk Tassel-GARRYA Skullcap-SCUTELLARIA Skunk Cabbage-DRACONTIUM Smartweed-POLYGONUM HYDROPIPER Snakeroot, Canadian-ASARUM Kansas-ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA Senega-POLYGALA Virginia-ARISTOLOCHIA SERPENTARIA Spikenard-ARALIA RACEMOSA Squaw Vine-MITCHELLA St. John's Wort-HYPERICUM Star Grass-ALETRIS Stone Root-COLLINSONIA Stream Helleborine-EPIPACTIS Stream Orchid-EPIPACTIS Sundew-DROSERA Sweet Flag-ACORUS CALAMUS Symplocarpus-DRACONTIUM Tang Kwei-ANGELICA SINENSIS Telegraph Weed-HETEROTHECA Thlaspi-CAPSELLA Toadflax-LINARIA Tobacco, Indian-LOBELIA Unicorn Root-CHAMAELIRIUM False-ALETRIS (also called "True") Uva Ursi-ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI Veronicastrum-LEPTANDRA Vervain-VERBENA Virginia Snakeroot-ARISTOLOCHIA SERPENTARIA Virgin's Bower-CLEMATIS Wafer Ash-PTELEA Wahoo-EUONYMUS Water Horehound-LYCOPUS Wild Ginger-ASARUM Wild Indigo-BAPTISIA Wild Yam-DIOSCOREA Witch Hazel-HAMAMELIS Yarrow-ACHILLEA Yellow Cedar-THUJA Yellow Dock-RUMEX CRISPUS Yellow Jasmine-GELSEMIUM Yerba Mansa-ANEMOPSIS Yerba Santa-ERIODICTYON Yohimbe-CORYNANTHE